Thursday, April 19, 2012

You’re the Guinea Pig: Experimenting with Your Sleep and Dreams

Sleep. It's the one thing we all do and the one thing that few of us are willing to screw around with—if only because a bad night of sleep can ruin an entire day. Still, hundreds of sleep tricks, hacks, and dream induction techniques exist that are supposed to give you a better night of sleep, and they've all been ported to your phone. But do any of these really work? If so, are these apps worth using? We'll take a look at the science supporting various sleep apps, and then see how it really feels when your sleep and dreams tinkered with.
I tested two types of apps when researching this post: sleep tracking and dream induction. Sleep tracking is supposed to help you see how much sleep you're getting, how good it is, and then wake you up at the optimal time. Dream induction, as the name implies, is all about helping you create and remember your dreams. Both types are based on a pretty basic understanding of our sleep cycles, so before we get into the results of my tests, let's take a quick look at the basics of the science they're based on.